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When you own a home, there are many things to keep track of. From making sure that all of the stuff for your home is updated and replaced, like roofs and hot water heaters, to making sure that you are doing all the timely maintenance on your house, like switching out your air filters and making sure the wood on our deck is sealed every so often. We here at Hung Right Doors recommend adding yearly garage door maintenance to your checklist! It will help keep your door and opener running smoothly, so you only have to think about it once a year.

garage door maintenance

Yearly maintenance on your garage door and garage door opener is essential, so you have a higher chance of catching any upcoming problems before they have a significant effect. For instance, if the gear system in your opener is starting to wear down, it’s better to replace it before the gears are totally stripped, instead of discovering that they are when you are trying to leave for a friend’s birthday party you are already late to. When you have a knowledgeable technician looking over your door often, they will be able to foresee things that may need to be addressed immediately or wait a while. To use the gear system example again, they can check it over and see that whereas the gears are somewhat ground down, you may have another year’s uses left on them, and they can make a note of that for the following year’s appointment.

Yearly maintenance also keeps your door well balanced. The garage door technician can ensure that your springs are correctly calibrated, potentially adding years of use for both the springs and the garage door opener. If the springs are not carrying enough of the garage door’s weight because they have settled from the last adjustment, it can put undue strain on your garage door opener, which will lead to the motor getting burnt out in the future.

Getting your door maintained can also affect the entire garage as a whole. Our technicians inspect every piece of your garage door system, including weather stripping and the bottom seal. If the weather stripping or bottom seal is damaged, it can lead to water seeping into the garage or mean that rodents have an easier time getting in. Rodents especially can be a big problem and potentially challenging to eradicate. We all know the issues a rat can cause to our belongings and even our cars themselves!

Garage doors and openers have so many parts to them! Our technicians are so good at checking every aspect and knowing how it should look, sound and feel. This makes them uniquely equipped to check over a garage door and opener to see if any upcoming issues need to be addressed and to ensure that the door can run as well as it can according to the door and opener’s current condition. Give us a call today at (360)753-2222 to schedule a maintenance service!

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