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If you read a few posts back, (click here to check it out) you’ll have seen a few reasons why we believe that it’s important that you hire locally for your home maintenance. Local companies are a huge boost to your community’s economy; supporting them really means you are supporting yourself too. Although, more and more these days large companies are pretending that they are small, local companies in order to get your business! So how do you make sure that the companies you are hiring are actual local? you’ll have seen a few reasons why we believe that it’s important that you hire locally for your home maintenance. Local companies are a huge boost to your community’s economy; supporting them really means you are supporting yourself too. Although, more and more these days large companies are pretending that they are small, local companies in order to get your business! So how do you make sure that the companies you are hiring are actual local?

The first thing to keep in mind is to ask questions! Most employees of local businesses are more than happy to answer any and all questions that you may have about the company, and the people behind it. So don’t be shy! Feel free to have a conversation with the person on the other side of the phone.
Ask who the owners are and where they love! Are they local to your area? You can even ask where the person you are on the phone with is, you can say something like, “Where is the office you’re working in located?” that way you will know if they are in your area or if you are talking to someone in a call center.

Check our some local business alliances! There are some great groups such as the Washington Small Business Development Center, your counties chamber of commerce, and Master Builders groups! Checking out different organizations that are meant to keep track of local business can do so much of the work for you, just by existing. Most of these organizations have lists of businesses in your area, either online or available by making a quick phone call! Hung Right Doors is a part of a few of these types of groups, and is extremely active in the Olympia Master Builders group who has a list on their website of many different local businesses.

Go into the office! Many home improvement businesses will have accessible offices where you can go to do business. Since small businesses are often community minded, many have pictures and accreditations displayed. Hug Right Doors has a few local awards displayed as well as pictures of the softball team we sponsor in Grays Harbor county! Going into the office to see and talk with employees of the company can give you a good read of the type of company you are working with, as well as help you make a connection with the people from that company. We love when our customers come in, usually it’s to look at door samples, make an appointment, or pay a bill. But often time the visit ends with a conversation and a lift to the day!

So there you have it! Making sure that you are hiring a business only takes a little bit of work and vetting. This small effort on your part can help make huge differences in your local economy!

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