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Carriage Style Garage Door Installed by Hung Right Doors

The Garage! It’s a whole room in our house outfitted with thousands of dollars’ worth of hardware made specifically for accommodating your car. However, many of us use the garage as a storage room, essentially making it impossible to park our belongings that are some of our most expensive investments. Now, obviously we at Hung Right Doors don’t believe that you absolutely have to park in your garage, after all, it can make a great rec room or studio! BUT we can’t deny that the garage was made for cars.  

So why park your car in the garage? If it’s fine outside and it saves you the trouble of having to go through your garage to clean it out!  

It keeps your car in good condition 

Like I said before, cars are not cheap. For many of us, our vehicle is one of the most expensive investments we have. Parking the car in the garage can prolong the life of the paint job by reducing sun exposure, and keeping water off of it. When I lived in an apartment complex, I didn’t have covered parking.  After parking outside in the winter, moss would start to grow on the rubber parts like around the windows of my car! Being parked in the garage gives your car a moment to dry off, reducing the risk of moss growth.  

It’s super convenient  

Just like your car being protected from the elements inside the garage you are too! Especially in the winter and fall it can be really unpleasant to walk through rain and possibly even snow on your way to your car. My favorite thing about parking in the garage during the winter is to open my garage door and use the remote start for my car. That way the car is warm when I get in, and I don’t have to get wet!  

It looks better  

Keeping your car parked in the garage is probably the easiest way to keep your home looking tidy and put together (on the outside at least). I mean who among us hasn’t rushed around the house 20 minutes before guests were coming over, picking up the biggest items of the mess? Unless you have a gorgeous and possibly color coordinated to your house car it’s going to look way better behind a garage door. Cars don’t always stay looking pristine; they get dirty, scratched and dinged. Plus, your home is probably really cute so why cover it up with a big vehicle?  

It’s more secure 

Parking your car behind a locked door brings down the likelihood of it being broken into. Prowlers are known to look around our neighborhoods at night looking for vulnerable vehicles. Keeping your car in the garage can keep prowlers away from your car and anything that you may have inside of it.  

It just make sense!  

Like I said in the beginning; the modern garage was invented for parking your vehicles in. We put tons of hardware onto and into them to make them compatible with that purpose so it just makes sense that we would park our cars inside of them. Plus, if all that’s keeping you from doing that is cleaning out your garage, we are in the middle of a pandemic where we are being told to stay home as much as possible so… you may as well clean out the garage, right?  

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