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One of the services that Hung Right Doors offers is totally FREE, estimates. This means that you won’t pay us a dime, or be in any way obligated to us after we give you a pricing estimate on anything. The most the estimate will cost you is your time. That is the primary reason that our clients sometimes chose a rough over the phone estimate. Simply put, it does take time and effort to set aside time to be home in the appointment window, as well as be there to talk with your estimator about your options. However, we believe that the time investment is all worth it in the end.

If you were to call Hung Right Doors right now and ask for an garage door estimate, be it for a new garage door, or for a repair, the most we would be able to do is a very rough estimate. This is because garage doors can be nuanced. If an expert isn’t there to take a look at the whole situation, there can be certain particulars that are missed. Often times these do not end in big difference in cost, but sometimes they can mean hundreds of dollars difference. Simply setting up a free estimate takes away all the guess work in that, and you know exactly what you will need, and how much it is going to cost.

Our estimators are always friendly, and we do our very best to be timely. Our appointment windows are two-hour increments; but if you need something a little more specific, we can totally work with you to narrow that time down! Just let us know that you are on a tighter schedule and we will do our very best to accommodate any need that you may have. We will even call you up to an hour before we are set to arrive if you need that, to allow you to get home from doing errands, or from work to meet us.

We can also do any estimate solo if you are simply unable to be there. So long as you leave us with a way to get into the garage space we can do all of our measurements by ourselves and email you our results. These solo estimates take up a large portion of our sales calls because as we have already discussed, it can be HARD to find time for things like this. As a working mom of two, the windows of time I’m home are often if not always sporadic and difficult to predict. Our sales, install, and repair teams are made up of highly trustworthy people. Never before has Hung Right Doors had an issue with a member of our team being at a home unsupervised. We uphold a standard of trustworthiness and excellence that you can rely on.

Being reliable, timely, and efficient are some of the things that we at Hung Right Doors pride ourselves on the most. We will always recommend an in-person garage door estimate so that you will know exactly the work and charges that need to be done.

Call today to schedule a free, in person estimate!

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