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Spring is almost here! And If you’re like me, you already have a big list of to-do’s for your spring cleaning. For me, one of the first things I do is to start in my garage. It’s been largely neglected since early fall and is looking pretty shabby. I need to get my garage ready for all the things this season has to offer. All my gardening equipment and outdoor toys are going to be making a reappearance!

Not only do I need to get the garage itself ready, I need to also get my door ready to go for this new spring season. My garage faces the alley, so it’s now super dirty after all the rain and wind, and snow that winter brought.
The first thing that I’m going to do is make sure that I dust and lube my door. After all, that winter moisture there is bound to be some water and probably dirt too that has built up in the hinges, rollers, and photo eyes. So, the first order of business is to clean those parts off with just a paper towel or something, and then lube them. Lubing your door keeps it moving without too much squeaking and reduces friction. Getting the surface dirt off and then adding more lubrication to the hinges makes them last longer while also making them more pleasant on the ears.

Next on the list is to check the photo eyes to make sure that the wing nuts are tight and that the lenses are dust free. Doing this frequently helps to assure that I won’t have any problems with them getting loose or too dirty and not operating properly. I feel like this always happens when you are in a rush, and then suddenly your door won’t shut, and you’re trying to get your photo eyes cleaned off and you’re getting in and out of your car, blah blah blah… it can be so frustrating! But making sure that the photo eyes are frequently cleaned off can eliminate this as a possibility.
Of course, a door tune-up wouldn’t be over and done with until you make sure to clean and wax your door! Just get a car wash brush and some soap, and make sure that you clean off all the dirt and grime that has built up over the last few months. After you’re done with that, get some car wax and wax the door just as you would with car. Wax on… wax off… You know the drill.
After the door clean up, I’ll be making sure to totally clear out the garage of random trash, and stuff that was dumped in there and forgotten about during the winter. I’d love it if we weren’t those type of people, but let’s be honest, we are.

I love starting the warmer months off with a fresh start. A clean garage always helps me get my mind clear and helps me to set up the space for the upcoming activities!

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